Thank you for sharing your thoughts here. I don't believe that any story "fails." It perhaps struggles to find its audience but I think the art of storytelling cannot fail. Sharing ones thoughts in whatever form, getting stuff out of our heads and onto paper is indeed, a success.
Hi Fiona. You make a good point about audience. I agree that expressing things and getting them out of our head has value. Maybe I'm too worried about “getting it right.” Thank you for your comments!
Thank you for sharing your thoughts here. I don't believe that any story "fails." It perhaps struggles to find its audience but I think the art of storytelling cannot fail. Sharing ones thoughts in whatever form, getting stuff out of our heads and onto paper is indeed, a success.
Hi Fiona. You make a good point about audience. I agree that expressing things and getting them out of our head has value. Maybe I'm too worried about “getting it right.” Thank you for your comments!
I hear ya! My new mantra is "rules are made to be broken."